
Christmas Eve Service Schedule


3:30pm – Children’s Worship Service Watch Party on Facebook

5:00pm – Drive-In Christmas Eve Prayer Service. Join us at First UMC of Mount Clemens for a 15-30 minute service in our cars where we will hear scripture pray together, sing silent night, and end with communion.

7:00pm – Traditional Christmas Eve Service Watch Party on Facebook


Praise in The Park – August 26th

fumc1Wednesday, August 26th at 6:00pm we will be hosting an outdoor worship service at George George Memorial Park in Clinton Township. Gather for worship from 5:30-6:00pm. Service will begin at 6:00pm with a mixture of traditional and contemporary hymns, special music, prayers, and a meditation.

Come join our church’s, “Family Reunion” and worship together in fellowship and love.

We have rented the pavilion, at the park, which is some distance away for the parking. If you need assistance getting to the pavilion, we will have people on hand to help get you to the worship space safely. Also important, please make sure you bring some water to stay hydrated, a lawn chair if you have one available (there will be some other chairs and benches), and please follow the park policy by bringing your mask.

What a joy it will be to worship together in person once again! I can’t wait to share it with you. As always, if you have questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact Pastor Dan at pastordan@mountclemensumc.org.




August “Questions” Series


August “Questions” Series

What questions do you have about the Bible, the United Methodist Church, or other issues related to our Christian Faith? For the month of August, your clergy leaders are planning on addressing some of those questions of Faith, and sharing other expert ideas as well.


First UMC has a YouTube Channel!


First UMC has a YouTube Channel!

On December 2, Rev. Alicea posted the first video to our new YouTube Channel.

Please subscribe to FirstUMCofMtClemens YouTube Channel HERE to see new videos. In the coming year, Pastor Dan and Rev. Alicea will post videos so stay tuned for new ways of faith building through YouTube.


Christmas Eve
Worship Schedule

Christmas Eve Worship Schedule – 2019

5:45pm Children’s Worship – Christmas Hymns, Stories, and all-age inclusive worship!

An interactive service where all kids and families are welcome. Come as you are, to learn the Christmas story. We will have glow sticks for silent night, nativities to build together, and Christmas A to Z. All are welcome to join in the fun.

7:00pm Traditional Service – Christmas Hymns, Special music, Candlelight, and Communion.

A traditional Christmas Eve service where we will hear the story of the Christ child in many meaningful ways. We will have scripture and hymns, music of many types, sharing communion, and candlelight. The grade space and the cry room will be open, so all families are welcome to attend.

11:00pm Contemplative Service – Christmas Hymns, Time for reflection, Candlelight, and Communion

A unique service that will focus on Christ in an intentional and contemplative way.  We will have some special music, harp, a meditation, communion, and candlelight. We will sing silent night and welcome in Christmas morn!


Save the Date!
Fri. Jan 31


Save the Date!!!

Youth Spaghetti Dinner and Talent Show! Join us on Friday night, January 31, for the Spaghetti Dinner Fundraiser hosted by our Youth Group to benefit our trip to Henderson Settlement. After dinner there will be a First UMC Talent Show!!  So, dust off your tap shoes, warm up your voices, and practice your best jokes and share your talent with us. Can’t sing, dance, or tell a good joke? Plan to stay and be entertained by all the best talent from First UMC! Watch for further announcements on signing up to perform and making a free reservation for dinner.


Warming Center
Dec. 29 – Jan. 4


The next Warming Center week is approaching the week of Sunday, December 29th through Saturday, January 4th.  We need socks, “hoodies”, underwear (both regular and thermal), and/or financial donations.  A collection box will be placed at the entrance of Wesley Hall.  Please consider supporting this important outreach ministry.

Questions?  See Dan McLatcher or Sandy Paul.  Thank you good people of First Church!


J.O.Y. Ladies Circle – Sept 23

J.O.Y. Ladies Circle

Monday Sept. 23 – 10:00 am


Ladies, it’s time to jump for JOY!  The women’s study group J.O.Y. (which stands for, Just Older Youth) will have its first meeting on Monday, September 23rd from 10:00-11:00 am in Wesley Hall.  We will be reading and discussing LIVING a LIFE You LOVE, by Joyce Meyer.  Books will be available after church on Sundays and in the office during the week.  The cost is $9.00.  All women of the church are welcome!


Protection Policy Training
Oct 19 & Nov 23


Protection Policy Training

Oct. 19 & Nov. 23

To date 33 people have taken the Protection Policy Training. This is really good! However, more may be added to the list. The last two training dates for 2019 are: October 19, and November 23.  All training events will begin at 9:30am and end at 11:30ish.  Anyone who works with children, youth, or vulnerable persons (this includes the Warming Center) must have this training.  The exception to this are those who only come in to cook and serve the evening or morning meal.  If you work with intake, security, or stay overnight, this training is required.  There is a sign-up sheet on the window across from the Library.  There will also be a sign-up genius link sent out via email so you may sign up online as well.


Fall Sermon Series


Fall Sermon Series

Our Sermon Series for September will be called “Signs of Fall” and we will talk about many themes that tie our faith to some of the most common occurrences of fall.  We will also discuss kicking off Fall well, tackling our challenges, trusting God, and finding the beauty in the cycles of change.  It is time to walk into Fall with faith and confidence finding the Triune God in every sign along the way.