Christmas Eve Worship Schedule – 2019
5:45pm Children’s Worship – Christmas Hymns, Stories, and all-age inclusive worship!
An interactive service where all kids and families are welcome. Come as you are, to learn the Christmas story. We will have glow sticks for silent night, nativities to build together, and Christmas A to Z. All are welcome to join in the fun.
7:00pm Traditional Service – Christmas Hymns, Special music, Candlelight, and Communion.
A traditional Christmas Eve service where we will hear the story of the Christ child in many meaningful ways. We will have scripture and hymns, music of many types, sharing communion, and candlelight. The grade space and the cry room will be open, so all families are welcome to attend.
11:00pm Contemplative Service – Christmas Hymns, Time for reflection, Candlelight, and Communion
A unique service that will focus on Christ in an intentional and contemplative way. We will have some special music, harp, a meditation, communion, and candlelight. We will sing silent night and welcome in Christmas morn!